Chocolate + Mint + alcohol = Chocolate Mint Extract.
How does that sound? Simply delicious!
Cookies and Holiday baking are here. So each Christmas I decide to make something different whether it be hazelnut cookies, chocolate truffles or mint chocolate brownies…then I check the spices and extracts to see what I have in the cabinet. Sure enough every season, without fail, I forget to have in stock a particular extract. Then I go out and buy it! Ughhhh….you spend like $5-7 for a teeny tiny bottle of extract!
I do make vanilla extract but I am down to my very last bottle so more needs to be done, soon! First I decided I will make a Chocolate Mint Extract. Have you ever had those weird imitation mint extracts??? Yuck, I don’t even think there is real mint anywhere in them. Here is an easy peasy, takes you 10 minutes MAX to put it together recipe…and then you wait!
Chocolate Mint Extract
Approximately 2 cups of mint, rinsed, thick stems removed.
1-2 Tablespoons raw cacao nibs
14 ounces of either 80 proof vodka or a mixture of 60% pure grain alcohol and 40% well or distilled water
1. Loosely pack a 16 ounce glass jar with the mint.
2. Measure and pour in your alcohol.
3. Add the cacao nibs.
4. Cover. Shake. Label.
5. Wait 2-4 weeks. You can taste it after 2 or leave until 4. Strain through muslin cloth into amber bottles and label.
Now to think up all the scrumptious recipes to use this in. I bet ya it would even taste good just by itself, just saying…
I will be doing this with vanilla, almond and maybe raspberry. Yum!!
Enjoy your day today!